Saturday, January 26, 2013

Progress & Accountability

Posting to the World Wide Web is serving as my accountability.

So that's why I'm going to keep posting my progress pictures even though it pretty much makes me cringe. But hey, at least I'll have something to look back and compare to.

This is today. I do notice small changes and that feels really good. I need to see the results to motivate me to continue.

My Ultimate Reset

I started the Beach Body Ultimate Reset! I'm on day 5 today. I'm really excited about this cleanse because its not a traditional "cleanse". Whole foods, gradual detoxification, weight loss and forming new habits are what's it all about. For me, this is my jump start. I'll be doing this cleanse for the next 16 days (it's 21 days total) and then I'm onto P90X. My goal is be at my "goal weight" by the end of May.

After my Ultimate Reset, I'll be adding Shakeology into my clean eating. Have you read the ingredients? I really really like them! And if you know me at all, you know I read every ingredient I out into my body. The Chocolate Vegan tastes fantastic.

Thanks for supporting me on my journey! I'd love to support you on yours too. Keep in touch with me on Instagram: @moxieorganix.

Here's a link to information on Ultimate Reset.


If you have questions, let me know how I can help! I signed up as a coach so that I can get the 25% discount on Shakeology and other Beach Body programs I'm planning to do. If I can help people along the way that's just a bonus :)

Here's some pictures of what I've been eating.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Dark Chocolate Matcha Energy Cookies

These satisfy a sweet tooth without the processed sugar, boost your energy with all natural Matcha, and fill your belly with fiber.

But don't let that fool you...they're delicious! I threw them together on a whim and they're so good I wanted to share!

According to my knowledge these are gluten free, and if its from me you know it's vegan :)

Oven: 375. Prep 10 min max, bake 10 min.

2 tbsp Ener-G egg replacer
3 tsp Matcha (good quality- I use SaeMee Tea brand)
1/2 c warm water
1/4 c Rice Bran
1 Tbsp Organic raw coconut oil
2 Tbsp Ground flax
1/2 c Date sugar
3c Organic rolled oats
1 Tsp Baking powder
4 Tsp Maple syrup (you could use agave or honey)
2 Stevia pkt
1c Semi Sweet vegan chocolate chips (Kirkland brand, nestle toll house, 360)

Mix the first 7 ingredients together. when incorporated add the rest. Easy or what?! I put the maple syrup and stevia at the end so you can taste to see if you'd like less. If your mix is too dry, just add a little extra water. For me this varies on brands of oats.

I rolled these in my palms into balls.

Bake 10 min. Gently flatten with spatula before transfer to cooling rack.

Makes 17 cookies

Nutrition: 98 cal, 8 sugar, 2.7 fiber, 2.2 protein, 4.2 fat.

Have fun kids!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

New recipe!

Peanut crusted baked tofu

1 brick Extra firm tofu- stamp out all water with paper towels
1 c Yoshida teriyaki sauce
1c Roasted unsalted peanuts
3/4 c Peanut butter
3 tbsp Coconut manna (I like this better cause it has stronger flavor than coconut milk. Feel free to use what you have.)
1/4 c Sweet chili sauce

Cut the tofu into 1 inch thick triangles. Marinate in the teriyaki sauce.

Heat oven to 375.

Crush the roasted peanuts. Place on a platter or cutting board.

Next mix the coconut Manna with about a half a cup of warm water. Microwave for about 30 seconds whisk and let sit.

While it's marinating make the peanut sauce. Mix together peanut butter, sweet chili sauce, the coconut manna water mix, and Siracha to your taste. It's easiest to add all of this to Pyrex mixing bowl and microwave for 30 seconds, then wisk.

Take marinated tofu and dry off a little with a paper towel. Dredge the tofu in the peanut sauce with a fork, then press into peanuts on both sides.

Place on parchment paper lined sheet. Bake for 20-30 min depending on how crispy you like.

Coconut Cardamom Rice:

1c Brown rice
2 c water
1 can lite coconut milk
1/2 tsp cardamom -fresh ground is best.
1/4c agave
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 c finely shredded coconut- unsweetened.

Place it all in the rice cooker!

Top your plate with fresh cilantro, mung bean sprouts.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sesame Tofu & Spring Rolls Recipe

Spring rolls:
10 Rice paper wrappers
1c Mung bean sprouts
2c Clover sprouts
1/2c Jicama, matchsticks
1c Cilantro, chopped
1 Avocado, sliced
1.5c Broccoli Slaw

Prepare a bowl of hot (but touchable) water large enough to accommodate the rice paper circle.

Lay down a piece of plastic wrap as wide as the rice paper.

Carefully dunk 1 rice paper, soak for 30 sec, or until pliable. With both hands grab gently and place flat on the plastic wrap.

Place veggies in middle of rice paper, laying the matchstick pieces horizontally. Leave 2 inches on each side, folding in one at a time. Wrap the bottom up so its covering ingredients. (3 sides are now wrapped) Gently push the ingredients into the paper toward you, while rolling to complete the spring roll. (Think burrito) The roll should be at the top of the plastic wrap at this point. Roll the plastic wrap around the spring roll and twist/fold in the sides of plastic wrap to keep from drying out. This part is tricky until you figure out how to work with the rice paper. It gets easy, I promise! Leave in plastic, and cut in half when ready to serve.

Sesame Tofu:
1 brick extra firm tofu
Teriyaki sauce
Adding a tsp of orange juice is really good too!
Sesame seeds

Oven temp: 405. Drain water from tofu. Dry off with paper towels. Cut into 1 inch thickness, then into triangles. Dredge in the teriyaki, place on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Top with sesame seeds.

Bake 10 min on each side. Serve atop iceberg lettuce for easy eating.

Peanut Sauce:

1c peanut butter
1/2 c coconut milk
2 tsp Siracha
1/2 c sweet chili sauce
1/2 c crushed peanuts, unsalted
1 tsp shoyu

Gently heat the peanut butter about 1 min in microwave. Add other ingredients and whisk till creamy.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

What is this blogging stuff anyway...

who has time for it?

Well, actually... I'm going to MAKE time for it. I need something to help keep me accountable, motivated and successful on this journey to better fitness. In most recent years I've considered myself a healthy person, at a healthy weight. I worked out every day, and not just little workouts. Hardcore (to me) stuff like CrossFit, Masters Swimming, Running. Until one day I didn't. I made a big move. I got injured. I got depressed. I stopped being motivated. I had a midlife crisis. I got very busy with work, kids, house. I started letting my injury be an excuse for my inactivity. It's strange how fast it happened... I went from being addicted to the workout high, feeling pretty "off" if I didn't get my exercise that day to making excuses and being lazy. Eating way too much junk, nibbling off the kids plates, having a little too much wine. Ok... a lot too much wine.

A while back, I put up a full length floor to ceiling mirror in my room. You know, so I can see the whole outfit, shoes included. Well... I saw myself as I was walking out the door and did a double take. I could NOT believe my eyes! THAT is what everyone following me sees?! Mirror mirror on the wall...who's got the largest backside of them all???

Who is this person?

Well, it's me. Unfortunately in this moment. And I've already been here before. I've lost the weight and been super fit (for me). I guess that's why it's strange to think that I'm right back here again. The difference now, however, is that I'm able put my experience to good use. Take my own medicine and move forward. This is just as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one for me.

This blog is intended to do just that. To hold me accountable.

I'm normally a very private person. I don't post full body pictures of myself. Well, I'm going to change that starting now. I have to accept who I am and what my body looks like now in order to realize not only what I want to change, but what I appreciate. This body made children. It's carried me thru a lot of trauma. And I can look at old photos and see that the potential is there! And I can remember how I felt then! Makes me want to eat a pack of cookies... I mean go workout! It's not going to be easy for me to click the "post picture" button, but I'm going to do it anyway so that I can track my progress, encourage myself with changes I see. So you have been the words of Melissa McCarthy, "look away, LOOK AWAY!" if you have to. (that lady is best!)

My goal is a weekly pictures. Hopefully daily updating with what kind of day I'm having, tidbits of things about me or things I like. Nothing too exciting. But who knows... maybe someone else out there like me feels the same way, and we can encourage each other :)

I'm not going to post weight at the moment. Not only because I'm too shy right now, but also because I like going by the fit of my clothes and inches. I weigh a lot when I'm thin, and gain muscle quickly, so it's not a good judge of fitness for me. Maybe I'll do body fat percentage. Maybe I'll have enough "MOXIE" and change my mind later.

July 29, 2012

My gosh, did I REALLY just post this one?!

Hopefully it will be liberating. It feels terrifying though.

   Here goes nothing. ~A