Saturday, January 26, 2013

My Ultimate Reset

I started the Beach Body Ultimate Reset! I'm on day 5 today. I'm really excited about this cleanse because its not a traditional "cleanse". Whole foods, gradual detoxification, weight loss and forming new habits are what's it all about. For me, this is my jump start. I'll be doing this cleanse for the next 16 days (it's 21 days total) and then I'm onto P90X. My goal is be at my "goal weight" by the end of May.

After my Ultimate Reset, I'll be adding Shakeology into my clean eating. Have you read the ingredients? I really really like them! And if you know me at all, you know I read every ingredient I out into my body. The Chocolate Vegan tastes fantastic.

Thanks for supporting me on my journey! I'd love to support you on yours too. Keep in touch with me on Instagram: @moxieorganix.

Here's a link to information on Ultimate Reset.


If you have questions, let me know how I can help! I signed up as a coach so that I can get the 25% discount on Shakeology and other Beach Body programs I'm planning to do. If I can help people along the way that's just a bonus :)

Here's some pictures of what I've been eating.

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