Saturday, January 12, 2013

New recipe!

Peanut crusted baked tofu

1 brick Extra firm tofu- stamp out all water with paper towels
1 c Yoshida teriyaki sauce
1c Roasted unsalted peanuts
3/4 c Peanut butter
3 tbsp Coconut manna (I like this better cause it has stronger flavor than coconut milk. Feel free to use what you have.)
1/4 c Sweet chili sauce

Cut the tofu into 1 inch thick triangles. Marinate in the teriyaki sauce.

Heat oven to 375.

Crush the roasted peanuts. Place on a platter or cutting board.

Next mix the coconut Manna with about a half a cup of warm water. Microwave for about 30 seconds whisk and let sit.

While it's marinating make the peanut sauce. Mix together peanut butter, sweet chili sauce, the coconut manna water mix, and Siracha to your taste. It's easiest to add all of this to Pyrex mixing bowl and microwave for 30 seconds, then wisk.

Take marinated tofu and dry off a little with a paper towel. Dredge the tofu in the peanut sauce with a fork, then press into peanuts on both sides.

Place on parchment paper lined sheet. Bake for 20-30 min depending on how crispy you like.

Coconut Cardamom Rice:

1c Brown rice
2 c water
1 can lite coconut milk
1/2 tsp cardamom -fresh ground is best.
1/4c agave
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 c finely shredded coconut- unsweetened.

Place it all in the rice cooker!

Top your plate with fresh cilantro, mung bean sprouts.

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